A joint project between Lugera Ukraine and the Recruitment Entrepreneur company on investment and support of recruitment businesses has started in Ukraine


A joint project between Lugera Ukraine and the Recruitment Entrepreneur company on investment and support of recruitment businesses has started in Ukraine. Its target audience is experienced recruiters and owners of recruiting agencies.

Funding 2023 from Recruitment Entrepreneur together with Lugera is now officially available.

We are ready to invest:

If you are an experienced recruiter and are ready to start your own recruitment business, but lack funds and need a strong partner.

If you are the owner of a recruiting agency and feel that you need the partner arm of a world leader with whom you can scale and significantly increase the volume and value of your business.

45 recruitment companies have already received funding from Recruitment Entrepreneur - the #1 investor in the recruitment business in the world, and the total amount of investments for the past year alone amounted to 12 million euros.

From now on, investing has become available in Ukraine as well. So, dear recruiters and recruitment companies, if you have ambitious goals and are just looking for investment, contact the Regional Manager of Recruitment Entrepreneur in CEE Georgiana Zanfir:

Web representation of the project:

​Для 63% опрошенных Lugera Ukraine украинцев официальные трудовые отношения - важный критерий при трудоустройстве
Компания Lugera Ukraine отмечает 15-летний юбилей своей работы в Украине
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